This penthouse apartment is located on the 16th floor of a classic, pre-war apartment building on Manhattan's Upper West Side, designed by Emery Roth in 1929. Roth, who was responsible for many distinguished residences on Central Park West, Riverside Drive, Broadway, and Fifth and Park Avenues, was "a master who could combine eclectic architectural elements into romantic compositions of dignity and grace.”
While compatible with Roth’s spare streamline moderne details which occur in the rest of the apartment, our design is also inspired by the client’s collection of Japanese antiques including the transom panels in the openings between the kitchen and the Conservatory which are carved fir & mahogany.
We added a conservatory on the terrace to create a new Family Room. The adjacent original kitchen, maid's room and bath were gutted to create the space for the new Kitchen and Powder Room. The floors and base cabinets are cherry and the countertops are schist from a small quarry in upstate New York. The upper cabinets are the original steel units, which were stripped of their 80 year-old paint. Salvaged Hope's steel windows have been installed to match the existing windows. The aluminum conservatory is an Amdega unit imported from England.
Photography by Gridley + Graves and Eric Piasecki